Can men wear earrings?
They not only can, they should. Many women find men who wear an earring more attractive because it shows he is confident in his masculinity and doesn't feel the need to prove it to anyone.

A simple stud or a hoop is all it takes to make a statement about your confidence in yourself.
But aside from that, an earring can bring your look to life, much like that finishing touch on your car that is just what it needed to set it off!
Which ear should a man wear an earring in?
In past decades, it was traditional to wear one in the left ear if you are straight, the right ear if you are gay, but those days have passed and either ear is ok now.
Can a man wear earrings in both ears?
Yes, and many do. While only women did in the past, times have changed and it is much more acceptable for men to wear earrings in both ears, especially hoops and studs. Or a hoop in one ear and a stud in the other works great.
Are men's earrings in style?
More so than ever and especially sparkly earrings that draw attention, when you're out at night.
Go on, give it a try. You'll look and feel better for it!